(2 min read) “One overarching thing I think that we are struggling with today as healthcare providers is payment uncertainty. We really don’t know what we’re going to get paid, when we’re going to get paid, and who is going to pay us,” says Juli Forde, Director at ZOLL® Data Systems. Together, with John Larscheid, Director of Sales Strategy, Strategic Partners at ABILITY, she tackles revenue improvement and workflow adjustments in the webinar, “Tools and Strategies to Improve Revenue and Reduce Administrative Burden.”
Available now on demand, this webinar covers important ground for billers, from tools to improve revenue, manage risks, and costs, to ideas that might help alleviate some of the pressure put on administrators. Forde and Larscheid cover in detail:
The “new normal” presented by the COVID-19 pandemic has brought about significant disruption in payer mixes, notably manifested as an increase in Medicaid, a decrease in private insurance, and an overall increase in the amount of uninsured or self-pay patients.
Forde and Larscheid present several recommendations for handling the glut of changes in the healthcare billing landscape. They include:
Managing revenue loss and payment fatigue due to COVID by optimizing payment strategies – How can providers get a clearer picture of their patient’s financial status before discharge and payment, and how might that impact revenue?
Demographic enhancement – How can demographic enhancement and patient data enrichment boost your clean claim rate compared to benchmark performance?
Patching leaks in reimbursement – What financial “leaks” exist in your reimbursement cycle, and what can you do to patch them up and maximize reimbursement from payers?
To learn more about processes and technologies that can reduce the burden on administrative staff and increase revenue, watch the full 1-hour webinar.