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EMS frustrations are growing as the workforce shortage limits necessary resources for EMS agencies. Many agencies have changed deployment and response practices to make more effective use of resources due to the staffing crisis, including reducing HOT responsess.

Data generated by the EMS Communications Center is crucial to evaluating changes in EMS deployment. In this instructive webinar, Matt Zavadsky will demonstrate the value of EMS communications center data, sometimes combined with patient care data, to revolutionize EMS responses. Watch this webinar for "Data Treasure Trove: Using Comms Data to Enhance EMS System Deployment Models" to learn:

  • The impact of the staffing crisis in EMS delivery
  • The risks and benefits of lights and sirens vehicle operations
  • How EMS systems are changing their response operations by analyzing dispatch and patient care data
  • How your communications center can redesign how EMS is delivered in your community

This webinar qualifies for 1 CEU from the National Academy of Ambulance Compliance.

Watch Now

About the Speaker

Matt Zavadsky, MS-HSA, NREMT, is the Chief Transformation Officer for MedStar Mobile Healthcare in Fort Worth, Texas. He has helped guide the implementation of several innovative programs with healthcare partners that have transformed MedStar fully as a Mobile Integrated Healthcare provider, including high utilizer, re-admission reduction, observational admission reduction, hospice revocation avoidance, 911 nurse triage, and partnerships with home health agencies. Matt chairs the NAEMT EMS 3.0 Committee and is the co-author of the book “Mobile Integrated Healthcare – Approach to Implementation” published by Jones & Bartlett Publishing. He has a master’s degree in Healthcare Administration with a Graduate Certificate in Healthcare Data Management.

Matt Zavadsky, MS-HSA, NREMT
Chief Transformation Officer
MedStar Mobile Healthcare