ZOLL is an international company with multiple divisions. We are the data division focusing on software development and data management. Looking for a different division?

United States
ZOLL - Data Management
11802 Ridge Parkway
Suite 100
Broomfield, CO 80021
email: data.info@zoll.com

ZOLL Medical Deutschland GmbH
Emil-Hoffmann Str. 13
50996 Cologne 
+ 49 2236 87 87 - 0 Telephone 
+ 49 2236 87 87 - 77 Fax 
email: info@zollmedical.de 
website: www.zoll.com/de 

Thorsten Markert
email: tmarkert@zoll.com
phone: +49 (0) 170 2642843

ZOLL Medical Österreich GmbH, Hödlgasse 19/1, 1230 Wien

Thorsten Markert
email: tmarkert@zoll.com
phone: +49 (0) 170 2642843

ZOLL Medical Switzerland AG, Bahnhofstr. 20, CH-6300 Zug

Bertrand Spilthooren
email: bspilthooren@zoll.com 

Thorsten Markert
email: tmarkert@zoll.com
phone: +49 (0) 170 2642843

ZOLL Medical France, 164 Avenue Joseph Kessel, 78960 Voisins-Le-Bretonneux

Tel.: +33 (0)6 30 16 64 22

Bertrand Spilthooren
email: bspilthooren@zoll.com