(6 min read) If you’ve been putting off migrating your agency’s documentation from pen and paper to an electronic patient care record (ePCR) platform, your time may soon be up. Starting in January 2022, N.Y. State will require any agency who wants to participate in its continuing medical education (CME) recertification program to submit patient care records (PCR) electronically.
The New York State Bureau of Emergency Medical Services (EMS) and Trauma Systems Continuing Medical Education (CME) Recertification Program Administrative Manual states:
Agency participants must comply with Bureau of EMS Policy Statement 12-02 and complete a Patient Care Report (PCR) for every EMS response. Agencies participating in the CME recertification program will be required to submit PCRs to the department electronically on or before January 1, 2022.i
It’s reasonable to conclude that other states may soon follow New York’s lead. Most states already have requirements in place for EMS agencies to report certain data points electronically. Many agencies have converted to ePCR for precisely that reason. In N.Y. State, electronic submission of CME Recertification applications to the Bureau of EMS will also be required, “in the interest of reducing paper flow and providing a more secure method for CME,” according to the Manual.
Electronic patient care records (ePCR) automatically capture a great deal of information that is required for recertification and licensure. Examples include number of patient contacts and number of advanced life support (ALS) procedures. Since this information is electronic, it can be queried quickly and easily to report data as required by the governing body. And, as the Bureau of EMS points out, electronic documentation and data sharing is generally more secure than manual, paper methods.
Small agencies have continued to chart on paper for years, even devising workarounds that involve reviewing paper charts, compiling, and reporting NEMSIS data to the state on a monthly basis. For those doing fewer than 200 runs per year, that’s not so difficult, and learning a new way of doing things may seem like an unnecessary and expensive hassle. Yet electronic charting isn’t just beneficial for large agencies, especially if the solution provider has deep experience working with smaller agencies and understands their needs.
Imagine how much time is invested today in manual processes. Effective ePCR solutions give agencies more power to drive efficiencies and control costs. Staff spends less time on administrative activities and can focus more attention on patient care. Some solutions are even “modular,” providing additional flexibility for agencies to choose exactly the functionality required to meet their unique needs within budget parameters.
Cloud-based platforms, also known as Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), offer benefits to all users. Consider a small Fire/EMS operation: traditionally, ePCR software might be loaded on only one computer located at the station. With cloud solutions, the ePCR app is accessible from home, while in transit (just like the paper method), and from any location with an internet connection. For departments where volunteers make up most or all of the staff, the flexibility to work anytime, from anywhere is a welcome change.
Most agencies quickly realize that the common misconception that electronic charting is “more work” couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, it’s faster than the paper-based process, reduces data entry errors, can capture monitor/defibrillator data, and simplifies analysis and reporting. In addition, ePCRs can be started and completed when and where it’s most convenient.
Now is the right time to learn about ePCR platforms and put a migration plan into place — before the next state mandate sends your agency scrambling. Here are some things to consider as you evaluate the options:
Electronic charting isn’t just for the big guys. Small agencies have much to gain in transitioning to ePCR, from care, to compliance, to quality. Planning for migration now will allow agencies adequate time to identify a solution partner who can meet timeline, budget, and other migration requirements to get the system up and running before a state mandate like N.Y. State’s forces their hand.
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i "New York State Bureau of Emergency Medical Services and Trauma Systems Continuing Medication Education (CME) Recertification Program Administrative Manual," NY State Department of Health website, https://on.ny.gov/34f5NJ2. Accessed 2 October 2020