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  • Black Book Research Ranks ZOLL Billing the #1 Insurance Discovery Solution

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    For the second consecutive year, a ZOLL Data Systems tool topped the prestigious insurance discovery ranking, reflecting the positive experiences, loyalty, and satisfaction of its clinicians and RCM billing customers.

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    Black Book 2024 award seal

    ZOLL® Data Systems has received top honors in Black Book’s annual Finance and Revenue Cycle Management survey for the second year in a row. The ZOLL Billing Insurance Discovery tool secured the #1 spot in the 2024 Insurance Discovery Solutions category.

    In an environment of ever-rising deductibles and co-pays, EMS revenue cycle management (RCM) and billing professionals are working harder and longer to capture earned revenue while patients struggle to cover their self-pay costs. Billers cannot rely on patients for accurate, timely information and require real-time solutions that reveal hidden active, billable coverage information. The ZOLL Billing Insurance Discovery tool finds active, billable healthcare coverage in real time for more than 61% of EMS claims — a performance metric that has continued to rise year-over-year. The tool preempts and solves the problems of “coverage not found” and “inactive” without any patient outreach. Driven by AI-enhanced technology and machine learning, the tool automatically searches more than 2,000 payers, clearinghouse databases, and direct connections in real time. It identifies and ranks unique, primary, secondary, and tertiary coverage — including retroactive Medicaid. It differentiates between managed care and advantage replacement plans and lists relevant plan types (i.e., HMO, PPO, etc.)

    ZOLL Data Systems Director, Global Product Management, Kristin Whitt, attributes the tool’s multi-year top ranking to its proven, superior capabilities.

    “Billers can save countless hours of time by leveraging the ZOLL Billing Insurance Discovery tool’s powerful, automated technology. It reveals more hidden coverage and slashes the time RCM billing professionals spend on insurance discovery and working claims submitted with missing or incorrect insurance information.”

    “It’s also incredibly flexible. Users can configure settings to customize workflows and refine results based on their own criteria. Our technology helps maximize revenue, and it also helps reduce the patient financial burden by finding commercial and/or government coverage for patients who walk in the door as self-pay. Our customers consistently reduce receivables, reduce write-off losses, and maybe make patients a littler happier with smaller or no balance they have to pay. Time to cash improves, and billers are freed up from time-wasting, manual searches with a single mouse click.”

    Read the full article, “Black Book Unveils 2024's Top Client-Rated Financial & RCM Solutions Leading Digital Transformation and Liquidity Management,” to learn more.

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