Our ZOLL AR Boost Claim Status tool runs automated claim status checks to provide early insight into how a claim is progressing once submitted into the payer’s adjudication system.
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Our ZOLL AR Boost Claim Status tool runs lightning-quick status checks on a claim, giving billers clear visibility into where it sits in the payer’s system. At the click of a button, you’ll see whether a claim is progressing or has stalled.
Our Claim Status tool is designed to reduce the time spent monitoring claims manually, as well as provide real-time insight on claim status through resolution and payment — regardless of the clearinghouse used. Billers can identify the claims that need attention early, and then develop a logical priority for follow up, collections, and appeals. Our tool can automatically run electronic data interchange (EDI) transactions (276/277) to the payer to get a real-time claim status response, and return claim status category codes (acknowledgements, data reporting, pending, and finalized).
The ZOLL AR Boost solution suite includes automated tools to find, correct, and verify patient and payer information in real time. It eliminates the need to query multiple databases, helping ensure that all revenue sources are identified, accelerating claims processing, and reducing claim denials.
Learn MoreAre you ready to learn more about how to use the ZOLL AR Boost Claim Status tool to simplify monitoring and help ensure high-value claims are not lost?