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  • ZOLL AR Consulting
  • ZOLL® AR Consulting Services

    The ZOLL Data Systems AR Consulting Services team helps ZOLL Billing, RescueNet® Billing, and Billing Pro customers by observing and reviewing agency processes and prescribing action to improve financial performance.


    Let Our Experts Help You Optimize Your Billing Efficiency, Productivity, and Processes

    Hard-to-detect billing process deficiencies are likely hurting your bottom line and may be inhibiting staff productivity. A significant deviation from industry benchmarks may be an indicator of recurring issues that can lead to self-inflicted claim denials and prevent you from capturing maximum revenue. Our team of seasoned AR consultants analyzes the status quo and then provides tailored, actionable recommendations based on industry best practices and KPIs unique to your organization to help you achieve your objectives.


    Leverage Data to Uncover Opportunities and Correct Course

    Our team of AR consultants will conduct behind-the-scenes analysis on your billing practices and data to locate areas of opportunity. We’ll dive deep so that we can assess your billing efficiency, productivity, and processes at multiple levels. We’ll then show you where — and why — you’re leaving cash on the table and provide an actionable, tailored plan for improvement. Our experts will meet with you on-site to discuss results and coach you through overcoming roadblocks with the goals of driving efficiency, increasing revenue, and improving employee productivity.

    Benefits of ZOLL Data Systems AR Consulting Services

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    • Maximize staff productivity through efficient workflows
    • Capitalize on the full capabilities of your billing solution
    • Take prescribed action to bring KPIs in line with industry standards
    • Capture more revenue by addressing process issues

    Featured Case Study

    How This Regional Fire District Improved Revenue Cycle Efficiency and Team Productivity

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    PREVIEW - Case Study-LRFD-AR Consulting Services (1)

    " We are on day two of the ZOLL AR Consulting engagement. The team is very smart, very smooth with their delivery, and great to work with."

    Fire Chief | Regional Fire District

    Connect With an Expert

    Are you ready to shrink the number of claims that you write off or send to collections, and capture every dollar of available revenue?

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