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  • ZOLL Medical Devices
  • RescueNet Suite
  • RescueNet® Suite

    The RescueNet solution suite is our widely adopted legacy software for the EMS market. It comprises of integrated communications, charting, and billing applications and plays a role in more than 13 million EMS events annually. RescueNet is a client server (enterprise) solution that requires a dedicated server either on the customer's premises or hosted in a ZOLL Data Systems data center.


    RescueNet Dispatch

    RescueNet Dispatch is our user-friendly EMS computer-aided dispatch (CAD) software solution that makes your entire operation more efficient. With its high-performance features and smart technology, RescueNet Dispatch software helps you streamline call-taking and dispatch while reducing response times. Learn more about RescueNet Dispatch.

    RescueNet ePCR

    Data is complex, and it’s imperative that your ePCR data is complete, secure, and provides the insight needed to effectively run your business. With RescueNet ePCR, medics are guided through the proper data collection process to improve speed and accuracy. Our solution exceeds industry compliance standards and makes it easy for you to stay on top of the latest healthcare industry requirements. Learn more about RescueNet ePCR.

    RescueNet Billing and RescueNet Billing Pro

    Reimbursement for services is the lifeblood of your organization. Work smarter — not harder — to drive more revenue. RescueNet Billing and RescueNet Billing Pro solutions help you identify and address issues that can delay reimbursement, automate the payment process, and prioritize workload so you can improve efficiency and expedite the claims process. Learn more about RescueNet Billing, RescueNet Billing Pro, and Clearinghouse Services.

    Our Commitment to Our Customers

    RescueNet applications play an indispensable role in many ZOLL Data Systems customers’ business environments and aids in their mission to deliver the highest level of patient care. We are committed to providing customer support and delivering critical features and functionality within the RescueNet suite, ensuring that our customers realize the highest possible return on their investment.

    If you're looking for cloud-based EMS solutions, learn more here.

    Connect With an Expert

    For immediate assistance with your RescueNet solution, please contact support by phone at 800-663-3911 or online via the Customer Community.

    Contact Us