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  • ZOLL Care Exchange
  • ZOLL® Care Exchange

    The ZOLL Care Exchange healthcare data integration platform enables EMS and healthcare providers to seamlessly exchange clinical, demographic, and financial data in real time to help improve patient care and simplify interoperability.

    EMS Hospital xt

    Transform Healthcare Collaboration Through Interoperability

    Hospitals, healthcare systems, EMS, and electronic patient care report (ePCR) vendors are more dependent than ever on accurate, timely health information exchange. Advance communication and coordination between pre-hospital and hospital resources can have a significant impact on patient outcomes. Up-to-date, aggregated patient information from many sources is essential for continuity of care, as well as for revenue cycle efficiency and clinical quality improvement. The ZOLL Care Exchange platform automatically standardizes and interfaces ePCR data into the EMR, meeting compliance requirements and providing clinician transparency, clinical feedback, and visibility into the patient care record via a single, platform- and device-agnostic tool. 



    Data Exchange Throughout the Healthcare Ecosystem

    The ZOLL Care Exchange platform automates manual processes and provides access to combined ePCR and EMR clinical data from multiple sources. Onset times, procedures, medications, outcomes, and payer demographics originating from any ePCR, EMR, or vendor partner are readily available to your entire healthcare ecosystem through a single data channel. Robust analytic capabilities enable medical information and quality leaders to generate standardized reports to support data-driven decisions and initiatives. Try our ROI calculators to see how much you could save.

    Featured eBook

    The Case for EMS-Hospital Interoperability

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    eBook Thumbnail -The Case for EMS-Hospital Interoperability

    Benefits of ZOLL Care Exchange

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    For Healthcare

    • Exchange data, documentation, EKGs, and images in near real-time
    • Collaborate with EMS partners through a single channel, regardless of ePCR product
    • Automatically attach EMS run reports to patient’s electronic health record (EHR)
    • Easily access and review prior external notes from EMS partners to support medical decision making (MDM)
    • Improve clinician transparency
    • Improve clinical outcomes with shorter door-to-treatment times
    • Minimize compliance risk
    • Save time and money by eliminating manual processes
    • Reduce follow-up with EMS agencies
    • Compatible with all major electronic medical records (EMR) platforms
    • Supports all major standards: HL7, CCD, FHIR

    For EMS

    • Send ePCRs and EKGs to hospitals and healthcare systems electronically, in near real time
    • Streamline patient hand-off, eliminating barcode readers and additional wait-time
    • Improve reimbursement rates by receiving patient demographics and insurance information from the hospital and EMS partners
    • Use patient outcomes received from the healthcare provider for clinical quality and process improvements
    • Save time and money by eliminating manual data entry, scanning, and searching
    • Minimize compliance risk
    • Reduce the need for fax and manual follow-up

    Connect With an Expert

    Are you ready to deliver more quality patient outcomes and operational efficiencies across your healthcare ecosystem?

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