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  • ZOLL Care Exchange
  • EMS Value Calculator
  • How Much Time Could Your Agency Recapture with ZOLL® Care Exchange?

    Your EMS crews and billing teams spends a significant portion of their day faxing patient charts and following up with hospital EDs to get outcome data, patient demographics and insurance information. See how much time your agency could save if your hospital partners had an HL7 integration.

    100 Annual Number of EMS agency trips 100,000
    5 Average hours spent per week obtaining
    follow-up information and QA
    5 Average hours spent per week obtaining billing data 40


    Total Administrative Time Spent* (per year)
    *Obtaining face sheet, updating bad/missing data/calling hospitals for information

    1,560 Hours

    Administrative Time Recaptured
    (avg 75%)

    1,170 Hours

    Additional Costs
    (Faxing & Chart Delivery)


    We're Here to Help

    If you’re ready to find out how much revenue and staff time ZOLL® Care Exchange can help your organization recoup, contact us.
