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  • ZOLL Medical Devices
  • EMS & Fire Solutions
  • EMS & Fire Solutions

    ZOLL® Data Systems cloud-based EMS and Fire solutions feature advanced integration and data availability between communications, patient care reports, and billing software that help improve clinical, operational, and financial performance of your organization.


    Optimize EMS and Fire Operations and Outcomes From Dispatch to Discharge With Interoperable Solutions

    Our cloud-based solution suite of EMS and Fire solutions covers the scope of your operations, from dispatch to patient care, to incident and operational reporting, to billing. Realize the maximum return on investment (ROI) with cloud-based software, mobile applications, and data solutions that scale naturally so you can nimbly respond to evolving community needs without up-front capital investments or specialized IT expenses. Advanced integration and data availability mean better interoperability between software, devices, and partner systems — delivering accuracy and efficiency that help you improve patient care, reduce administrative burden, and capture more revenue.

    Connect With an Expert

    Are you ready to optimize your EMS and Fire operations with advanced integration and data availability?

    Request A Demo
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