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  • Collect More Revenue Faster: The Pivotal Role of Clear, Concise, and Complete Documentation

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    Electronic patient care reports (ePCRs) should paint a vivid picture; if it is not documented, it didn’t happen! Documentation is the key to billing the correct levels of service (BLS or ALS) and supporting medical necessity, which in turn creates more revenue for EMS agencies

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    EMTs taking care of a patient

    Electronic patient care reports (ePCRs) should paint a vivid picture; if it is not documented, it didn’t happen! Documentation is the key to billing the correct levels of service (BLS or ALS) and supporting medical necessity, which in turn creates more revenue for EMS agencies. 

    In a recent webinar, ZOLL Data Systems implementation specialists, Amanda Lee and Justin Cooley, discussed why complete, timely, and accurate charts are important for billing higher levels of service. Breaking down the divide between EMS departments, they discussed why billers and providers alike should be educated on their expectations surrounding ePCR documentation. 

    With communication barriers broken, more positive relationships can be fostered to maximize the value of billing software, save time, increase team efficiency, and ultimately lead to a better working environment for all. 

    Amanda and Justin went on to relay important tips, tricks, and best practices for charting and billing success. They also uncovered configuration issues and potential integration opportunities that are commonly seen with best-in-class billing software. 

    Readers who missed the live webinar can watch the on-demand webinar recording to learn: 

    • How billing processes and technology are transforming the workplace 
    • How to establish a quality assurance (QA) process before the billing stage to reduce red flags 
    • How to find and add missing demographic and insurance information 
    • How to configure and set chart defaults and data validations as templated tools to foster complete and accurate documentation 



    Watch the webinar, “Charting for Billing Success: We’re All on the Same Team,” to find out what information billers need to capture from ePCRs to bill the correct level of service and submit clean claims, as well as how technology can be leveraged to optimize the process for both medics and billers. 

    Read More on ePCR Quality and Billing Success:

    Strategies and Tips for Capturing Optimal EMS Reimbursement

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