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  • E-Care Uses Full Cloud-based EMS Solution Suite to Streamline Operations

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    Based in Key Largo, Florida, E-Care Ambulance (E-Care) launched as a small, but fast-growing service offering BLS, ALS, and critical care transport with a staff of approximately 30 team members

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    E-Care Uses Full Cloud-based EMS Solution Suite to Streamline Operations

    Based in Key Largo, Florida, E-Care Ambulance (E-Care) launched as a small, but fast-growing service offering BLS, ALS, and critical care transport with a staff of approximately 30 team members. In getting their operations off the ground, E-Care looked for an affordable, but streamlined solution that could help them play a bigger role in medical transport for Monroe County, a coverage area of more than 3,700 square miles with an annual estimated 25 million tourist visit days per year. 

    With extreme heat and hurricanes posing a risk factor to physical servers and major hardware on premises, the agency looked for a cloud-based software solution to drive uninterrupted, efficient, and quality service. They turned to ZOLL® Dispatch, ZOLL Billing, and ZOLL emsCharts® to form an integrated cloud-based software solution suite. 

    The agency soon found that this cloud-based suite solved many of their challenges. For example: 

    • ZOLL Dispatch software allows remote dispatching from any web browser, offering more flexibility for team members. Used with the ZOLL Respond companion app, the enhanced data flow between dispatch and crews saves time and resources.
    • ZOLL emsCharts software’s automated features allow for more complete and thorough ePCRs that reduce billing errors. 
    • ZOLL Billing software helps get faster reimbursement, and more transparent valuation and income forecasting. 


    E-Care was able to tackle many of the common issues plaguing agencies of similar size, such as staff shortages, manual processes, and slow or denied payments, by implementing ZOLL Data Systems’ end-to-end cloud-based EMS solutions. To learn more, read the full article: “From dispatch to discharge, cloud-based software makes this Florida service’s operations easier.” 




    Read More:

    Leverage the Cloud for Better EMS Data Management 

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