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Focusing on Behind-the-Scenes Nuances to Improve Efficiency
Stacey Cloutier has been with Armstrong Ambulance Service for 11 years
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Stacey Cloutier has been with Armstrong Ambulance Service for 11 years. She is an innovative thinker that focuses on the behind-the-scenes nuances that are vital to the organization functioning efficiently, but that are often overlooked by others. She ensures that insurance documentation is handled and filed, manages fleet registrations, and maintains dozens of forms and licenses for regulatory agencies. Her extraordinary ability to use the tools at her disposal, create new and innovative methods to enhance existing tools, and find new uses for them is precisely why she is a EMS Pulse Award recipient in 2017.
Her Story
Cloutier researches and stays on top of the trends in the industry and is able to combine the specific pieces of data and best practices to create processes, which are tailored to Armstrong Ambulance. She creates logical, cost-effective solutions and resources such as a recent project evaluating our landline and wireless phone systems. Her efforts of reorganization and reduction of waste will result in an annual savings of more than $30,000 dollars.
Cloutier researches and stays on top of the trends in the industry and is able to combine the specific pieces of data and best practices to create processes.
In 2012 she became the Project Leader for the agency’s efforts to get Commission on Accreditation of Ambulance Services (CAAS) Certification. She used RescueNet Reporting to create a multitude of reports that gave great insight into the areas that needed improvement to move toward certification. She was then able to develop processes to recognize deficiencies and identify methods to improve them. These systems were created in such a way that they are reusable, not only toward certification, but also as methods to identify problem areas on an ongoing basis. She has created extensive reports on fleet utilization, movements and costs. Through this data, the ambulance service has decreased fuel costs, lessened insurance claims and provided a safer working environment overall. Again in 2016, Cloutier spearheaded Armstrong’s successful CAAS re-accreditation effort, and she continues to contribute daily to improving the organization.
About EMS Pulse Awards
To coincide with National EMS Week, ZOLL created the EMS Pulse Awards. The awards recognize professionals who are the pulse of their EMS organization, working behind the scenes of prehospital care and empowering their organization to provide better care and ultimately enable their teams to save more lives within their communities. Winners were selected based on the information you provided in their nominations, which was also used in their story above. This year’s winners were recognized at our yearly user conference, SUMMIT. Congratulations to all of our winners who are successfully streamlining the business side of EMS! Interested in nominating a coworker for their achievements on the business side of EMS? Nominations will open again in Spring 2018.
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