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  • Harnessing ePCR for Data-Driven Decision Making

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    In 2011, Steve Fravel, EMS Data Systems Coordinator for Pinellas County (Florida) Fire & EMS Administration, led the transition to electronic patient care reporting and is now responsible for more than 200 tablet devices used by 89 ALS first responder units and 50 Sunstar Paramedic ambulances that responded to approximately 300,000 EMS incidents during the previous year

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    In 2011, Steve Fravel, EMS Data Systems Coordinator for Pinellas County (Florida) Fire & EMS Administration, led the transition to electronic patient care reporting and is now responsible for more than 200 tablet devices used by 89 ALS first responder units and 50 Sunstar Paramedic ambulances that responded to approximately 300,000 EMS incidents during the previous year. He harnesses this data on a routine basis by monitoring performance metrics and providing situational awareness to system stakeholders via production and dissemination of standardized reports for key performance indicators. Because of this exemplary leadership, Fravel is an EMS Pulse Award recipient.

    His Story

    In the relatively brief time since the first ePCR was recorded in Pinellas County, Fravel has added numerous data system capabilities to support performance improvement, situational awareness and data-driven decision making. He is currently leading his agency’s hospital data exchange initiative. The scope and magnitude of the ground work he has laid could be considered an impressive feat for an entire team of data systems specialists, let alone any one person. His contributions to his organization will likely be looked upon as the key to success for countless future initiatives that will ultimately impact the health and well-being of millions of residents and tourists served by Pinellas County EMS.

    Fravel harnesses data on a routine basis by monitoring performance metrics and providing situational awareness to system stakeholders via production and dissemination of standardized reports for KPIs.

    In his current role, he has the sole responsibility for support and maintenance of all aspects of EMS and Fire Administration data systems, which support 18 Fire Rescue Agencies and the county ambulance service (Sunstar Paramedic). Collectively, these agencies comprise one of the busiest EMS systems in the nation, with the capability to pursue unified performance improvement initiatives thanks to the data systems infrastructure that Fravel has planned, developed and deployed in recent years.

    About EMS Pulse Awards

    To coincide with National EMS Week, ZOLL created the EMS Pulse Awards. The awards recognize professionals who are the pulse of their EMS organization, working behind the scenes of prehospital care and empowering their organization to provide better care and ultimately enable their teams to save more lives within their communities. Winners were selected based on the information you provided in their nominations, which was also used in their story above. This year’s winners were recognized at our yearly user conference, SUMMIT. Congratulations to all of our winners who are successfully streamlining the business side of EMS! Interested in nominating a coworker for their achievements on the business side of EMS? Nominations will open again in Spring 2018.

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