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  • How and Why Bringing EMS Billing In-house Could Be Right for You

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    If you currently outsource your billing and collections functions and are considering bringing them in-house, you’ll want to assess whether a change is right for your organization and define the necessary steps for a successful transition, should you decide to move forward

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    If you currently outsource your billing and collections functions and are considering bringing them in-house, you’ll want to assess whether a change is right for your organization and define the necessary steps for a successful transition, should you decide to move forward.

    If your current billing service isn’t providing industry-standard metrics on a monthly basis, this may be a good time for reassessment. Are reimbursements and invoices paid correctly and on time? Does your account revenue correlate to your volumes? Is your billing service maximizing self-pay collection efforts through automated insurance discovery or retroactive Medicaid finder tools?

    billing help

    Here are two things you can do now to ramp up your EMS billing industry knowledge:

    1. Subscribe to emails from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). They are a great resource for up-to-date information on state compliance and are typically seen as an industry benchmark for other insurance.
    2. Sign yourself or your staff up for billing and coding certifications from the National Academy of Ambulance Compliance (NAAC) and the American Academy of Professional Coders (AAPC).

    Your billing software should be intricate enough to manage dynamic situations within EMS Billing. Best-in-class solutions like ZOLL® Billing help control costs, increase productivity, and accelerate reimbursements — all essential for keeping EMS agencies rolling.

    Bringing your billing in-house is an ongoing process with a high learning curve. Be patient with yourself and your team as you learn the ins and outs of EMS Billing. To help prepare your team and ease the transition, watch our complimentary webinar, How and Why Bringing EMS Billing In-house Could be Right for You.

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    ZOLL Pulse Blog

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