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  • Mayo Clinic Ambulance Leverages Data From an Integrated Solution Suite to Improve Patient Care — ZOLL Pulse Award Winner

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    Mayo Clinic Ambulance (Mayo Clinic) pursued an integrated platform that would allow them to advance patient care, medicine, and service, while also being able to meet high-quality security standards

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    Mayo Clinic Ambulance (Mayo Clinic) pursued an integrated platform that would allow them to advance patient care, medicine, and service, while also being able to meet high-quality security standards. Mayo Clinic had also requested a software suite that would be flexible and upgradeable to develop smarter ways to dispatch and provide quality care. With near-term goal of switching their software to a cloud-based model, Mayo Clinic envisioned an integrated platform that would enable them to create more concise and intelligent data management and reporting over the long term.

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    Mayo Clinic and ZOLL Data Systems Collaborate To Optimize Software and Meet Industry Needs

    Since 2001, Mayo Clinic has been using RescueNet Dispatch, Billing, ePCR, CaseReview Premium, and ZOLL Respond. Together, these products have been extremely valuable for Mayo Clinic’s crew communications, data monitoring, patient reporting and charting, and for establishing clear revenue cycle management for cost control. The collaborative relationship between Mayo Clinic and ZOLL Data Systems has resulted in an ongoing dialogue to discover opportunities to continuously improve solutions that support data-driven care.

    Mayo Clinic’s Evidence-based Decision Making Earns a ZOLL Pulse Award

    With their ZOLL Data Systems solution suite, Mayo Clinic has been able to reap more benefits such as cost savings, ease of team communication, and a commitment to providing quality patient care. Mayo Clinic has been able to advance several initiatives with the help of ZOLL products, such as launching a large community paramedicine program, studying and evolving cardiac arrest data and protocols, and performing more intelligent dispatch. Highlights of results include:

    • Reduced bad debt and outstanding revenue
    • Advanced data science, leading to complete data sets, allowing for sophisticated research and analytics that help improve patient care and outcomes
    • Fewer clicks, fewer touches, less need to double document, and no finger pointing between vendors (all leading to time savings)

      Mayo Clinic received a 2023 ZOLL Pulse Award on June 14, 2023, at ZOLL Summit. Presented annually, the awards recognize agencies that are committed to using data to drive clinical and operational efficiency and to improve financial outcomes.

      2023 Pulse Award Winner
      To learn more about how Mayo Clinic used advanced data and technology to provide more intelligent, efficient patient care, read the case study.



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