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  • New Year New CEUs: Top 5 Educational Opportunities at SUMMIT 2019

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    “Learning is not attained by chance, it must be sought for with ardor and attended to with diligence

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    ZOLL Summit CADS Pre-Conference

    “Learning is not attained by chance, it must be sought for with ardor and attended to with diligence.”

     – Abigail Adams

    Every year when we begin planning our ZOLL SUMMIT content, we look for engaging sessions that will not only will help our attendees use ZOLL products better, but will provide EMS and Fire professionals with actionable skills that make their jobs and in many instances their lives easier.

    Here are just 5 of SUMMIT 2019’s top educational opportunities you won’t want to miss out on:

    ZOLL Summit

    1. All-Day Resilience Training Pre-Conference Worth 8 CEUs

    With mental health concerns at the forefront of the EMS industry at present, we are opening ZOLL's 2019 SUMMIT user conference (May 7-9, 2019) with a full-day resilience training for EMS professionals led by veteran trauma therapist, Jim Marshall on May 6.

    During this intensive one-day training you will:

    • Identify the unique stressors faced by EMTs and Paramedics impacting their wellbeing
    • Explore your Emotional Code—the way you roll with the psychological impacts of your work, and how this Code drives your choices in self-care and peer support
    • Gain a fresh understanding of Compassion Fatigue and PTSD/PTSI fueling Depression
    • Discover The Resilient Medic’s Mindset and Skillset--combining powerful new insights and skills to prevent the cumulative impacts of dealing with all the ugly, painful and exasperating experiences you face serving people in their worst moments of life
    • Learn about how you can heal and build a game plan to deal with the psychological impacts of medic stress to enjoy a great quality of life in your profession and your home life

    Cost: $249 for the pre-conference only pass or $944 for the pre-conference + SUMMIT pass* 

    Accreditation: 8 CAPCE Hrs. | Capacity: only 100 seats available

    *Early-bird price for SUMMIT pass expires 1/31/2019

    Register Now


     2. All-Access to ZOLL Product Experts

    What’s a ZOLL user conference without a few #zolldiers?

    Over the course of SUMMIT, you will have numerous opportunities to engage with ZOLL product experts in sessions, the ZOLL Product Showcase, and our ever-popular Support Bar. We encourage our attendees to utilize these opportunities to learn what’s next for your favorite products, provide feedback that can shape product development, and trouble shoot with your ZOLL support team.


    3. On-Site Certified Ambulance Documentation Specialist™ (CADS®) Pre-Conference

    ZOLL Summit CADS Pre-Conference

    Getting field providers to consistently produce high-quality patient care reports (PCRs) is one of the top concerns mentioned time and again by EMS chiefs, ambulance company executives and other industry senior leaders. If EMS documentation isn’t up to par, the consequences can be far-reaching. Poor PCRs can expose providers to liability in court, cost the ambulance service money in lost revenues, and create compliance problems in the event of an audit.

    These are just a few of the reasons why NAAC has developed the CADS course. CADS is the only professional designation in the EMS industry to solely focus on documentation skills. And let’s face it – those are skills that providers just don’t get enough of in EMT or paramedic school.

    Completing the CADS Course will:

    • Facilitate high-quality patient care
    • Reduce provider liability
    • Enhance the quality of the clinical narrative
    • Improve billing accuracy
    • Boost agency compliance

    Cost: $249 for the pre-conference only pass or $944 for the pre-conference + SUMMIT pass*

    Capacity: only 50 seats available 

    *Early-bird price for SUMMIT pass expires 1/31/2019 

    Register Now


    4. Thought Leaders for Days

    ZOLL’s SUMMIT agenda is filled with industry thought-leaders. There's no shortage of thought leadership at ZOLL SUMMIT.

    From CEO’s and Medical Directors to EMT’s and firefighters, our agenda is filled with some of the most knowledgeable speakers in the industry. Check our SUMMIT event agenda to learn more about this year’s speaker line-up.


     5. Leverage the Collective Knowledge of Your Peers from Around the World

    Every year in our post-SUMMIT surveys we consistently hear that one of the most valuable educational opportunities for our attendees is the chance to learn from one another.

    While every organization has its unique nuances, a gathering of over 400 EMS and fire professionals is an excellent place to pick up a tip/tool/trick that will improve the efficiency of your operation, and ultimately make you, your coworkers or your employees’ lives easier, and save you money.

    Create a list of your most pressing issues and then use our many networking opportunities to meet others who share your concerns. SUMMIT is an excellent place to grow or begin building a vast support network of peers and professionals.

    Register Now


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    Subscribe to our blog and receive quality content that makes your job as an EMS, fire, hospital, or AR professional easier.
