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  • Podcast: 5 Ways Providers Can Improve Revenue Capture

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    There are actionable strategies you can adopt to improve revenue capture and protect your practice's financial health.

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    Since 2012, the Kaiser Family Foundation reported that the average annual deductible for workers who are enrolled in their employer's health insurance plans has ballooned by a whopping 61%.1 The foundation also reported that 10.9% of adults aged 19-64 and 5.8% of children were uninsured in 2023.2 This high population of self-pay and high deductible health plan (HDHP) patients take longer to pay, have a high risk of write-off, and add to the financial strain on healthcare providers.

    Kristin Whitt, Director, Global Product Management at ZOLL Data Systems was a guest on a recent episode of the Becker’s Healthcare Podcast, “5 Ways Providers Can Improve Revenue Capture.” In this episode, she discusses the challenges and solutions for healthcare providers who must manage patients who are self-pay or on HDHPs.

    Listeners will learn:

    • How to reduce the risk of write-offs and relieve financial strain associated with this patient population
    • Tools and strategies healthcare providers can use to protect the financial health of their practices
    • How to decrease the financial burden on patients and shift primary responsibility to payers
    • What to look for in an automated, RCM optimization solution suite

    Listen to the Becker’s Healthcare Podcast episode, “5 Ways Providers Can Improve Revenue Capture,” to learn more about what you can do to boost your revenue capture in the age of HDHPs and self-pay patients.

    1KFF Employer Health Benefit Survey Finds, https://www.kff.org/private-insurance/press-release/annual-family-premiums-for-employer-coverage-average-22463-this-year/, KFF health Affairs, accessed 11/13/24.

    2KFF Quick Notes: What Do the New Census Data Say About the Uninsured in 2023? Jennifer Tolbert, https://www.kff.org/quick-take/what-do-the-new-census-data-say-about-the-uninsured-in-2023/, accessed 11/13/24.

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