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  • Providers Can Even the Playing Field During Open Negotiations – Here’s How

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    Emergency medical service (EMS) providers are facing ongoing challenges when it comes to receiving the maximum reimbursement rate from payers

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    Providers Can Even the Playing Field During Open Negotiations – Here’s How

    Emergency medical service (EMS) providers are facing ongoing challenges when it comes to receiving the maximum reimbursement rate from payers. On top of that, during open negotiations or the Federal Independent Dispute Resolution (IDR) process, providers can oftentimes be met with what feels like a “take it or leave it” attitude. Facing this, providers must have the resources, time, and most importantly, the data to come to the table ready to negotiate with confidence. 

    A recent panel discussion featuring expert speakers Cody Dumas, Managing Partner at DumasNeel; Thomas J. Moore, Junior Partner at Fitch & Associates; Jennifer Surban, Senior Director of Quality, Products & Revenue Cycle Optimization at Golden Hour; and Tyler Williams, Director of Strategy, AR Optimization at ZOLL Data Systems focused on how providers can rebalance the scales by: 

    • Utilizing independent data sources to establish the market and the value of a provider’s services 
    • Considering market forces to preserve financial health, as well as continuing to provide optimal care for patients 
    • Leveraging best practices for citing other potentially crucial data sources 
    • Entering negotiation, arbitration, and the IDR process under the No Surprises Act (NSA) when necessary 
    • Moving forward with litigation when other avenues with payers fail 

    To learn more from the expert panelists, watch the webinar, “
    Proven Strategies For Holding Payers Accountable,” for an insightful discussion on how providers can turn the tables and get a more favorable outcome. 

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    ZOLL Claims Clarity Data Service for Healthcare Providers Delivers Claims Data To Foster Market Transparency and Support Data-driven Negotiation and Decision Making 

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