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  • Real-Life Patriots Day Hero at SUMMIT

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    Patriots Day has been in theatres for under a month and has already brought in more than $30 million

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    Patriots Day has been in theatres for under a month and has already brought in more than $30 million. WHY? Because it’s a story about real-life, everyday heroes.  You know, the men and women who are often overlooked until tragedy strikes. The people who have devoted their lives to helping others. The people that provide stability and direction when disaster strikes. The people I am in awe of and honored to work with.

    If you aren’t a movie goer, the film focuses on the tragic events of April 15, 2013, when two bombs explode during the Boston Marathon, which is held each year on Patriots Day. In the aftermath of the attack, police Sgt. Tommy Saunders (Mark Wahlberg), FBI Special Agent Richard DesLauriers (Kevin Bacon) and Commissioner Ed Davis (John Goodman) join courageous survivors, first responders and other investigators in a race against the clock to hunt down the suspects and bring them to justice. All working tirelessly to answer the questions:
    • Who did this?
    • Where are they?
    • Are there more bombs?



    While Patriots Day is successful at focusing on the real-life people—first responders, overwhelmed emergency room doctors, local policemen and FBI agents, those manning the phones for citizen tips, investigators analyzing mounds of video footage you have to wonder how realistic is this? Well the only person who can accurately answer that is someone who lived it.

    On May 17, Michael Bosse, the deputy superintendent at Boston EMS will address more than 600 EMS and Fire professionals at ZOLL SUMMIT 2017, our annual conference designed to bring together users and prospective users of ZOLL products, especially those focused on data. Bosse will share his experience on Boston’s worst day but in some ways Boston EMS’ best day.

    During this powerful keynote, learn more about the city of Boston, the Marathon, Boston EMS, and how all three were impacted by both the bombing itself and the manhunt for the terrorists. Find out what preparations and training Boston EMS had in place for special events prior to the event. What did the agency learn from this mass casualty incident (MCI) and tragedy? How will they handle special events in the future?

    Don’t miss Bosse’s keynote and more than 150 separate education sessions conducted by subject matter experts, industry thought leaders and software power users.

    What’s new at SUMMIT 2017? Check out the Top 6 Reasons You Must Come to SUMMIT 2017


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