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  • Rescue Squad Adopts an Intuitive CAD Solution To Ramp up Dispatch and Improve Data Visualization

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    Driven by data and measurable key performance indicators (KPIs), Princeton knew that they had to find a better solution to improve their workflows and collaboration between teams

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    EMS dispatchers assigning crews

    Princeton Rescue Squad (Princeton) was struggling with their complex, pen-and-paper process for dispatch. The manual method made data collection and communication difficult and was a challenge for onboarding new dispatchers. Further, they discovered that it was taking too long to lock charts and realized that it could be due, in part, to the way data was collected and communicated by the dispatch team. Driven by data and measurable key performance indicators (KPIs), Princeton knew that they had to find a better solution to improve their workflows and collaboration between teams.

    Princeton Quickly Sees Progress in KPIs

    Princeton selected the ZOLL® Dispatch computer-aided dispatch (CAD) solution for its ease of use and integration with their electronic patient care reporting (ePCR) software, ZOLL emsCharts®. Combined with the mobile crew communication companion app, ZOLL Respond, they found the CAD solution to be incredibly user-friendly, addressing their desire to ease onboarding. During their initial beta testing period, the team began to see steady improvements in data preservation and flow between CAD and ePCR software, another of their KPIs.

    In Less Than a Year, Princeton Gets Results

    With early improvements in KPIs, Princeton has set new goals that ZOLL Dispatch and ZOLL Respond can help support, playing a significant role in optimizing their processes.

    Less than a year after implementation, Princeton CEO, Mark Brooks, remarked how incredibly satisfied he was with the results. “ZOLL Dispatch and ZOLL Respond are built for what we need,” he said. “I’m extremely pleased with the progress that we’ve made, the improvements that the products have allowed us to make, and the ability to provide a more concrete way of dispatching.”

    Read the case study to learn in more detail about Princeton’s transition from pen-and-paper to CAD. You’ll discover how they were able to complete ePCRs faster, improve collaboration with hospital partners, and leverage better analytics, reporting, and collaboration agency-wide.

    Read More About the Benefits of CAD

    From dispatch to discharge, cloud-based software makes this Florida service’s operations easier

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