Podcast: 4 Ways ePCR Software Can Relieve EMS’ Biggest Headaches
So Happy Together: The Story Behind RescueNet Billing Pro
When two companies team up to build a cohesive product offering, good things can happen
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When two companies team up to build a cohesive product offering, good things can happen. Good things that have made an enormous impact for early-adopter EMS billing offices across the country.
The Technology
Payor Logic, Inc. is a technology company based in Centerville, Ohio. Dedicated to automating pre-billing processes for EMS providers, the impact of their solution set has propelled them to recognition as the industry’s de facto standard for demographic verification, payment likelihood and insurance discovery.
Payor Logic Partners with ZOLL
ZOLL first took note of Payor Logic’s abilities when a handful of shared clients were running batches of trips through the Payor Logic processor then spinning tales of seemingly “too good to be true” return on investment (ROI) numbers and billing office efficiencies. After pulling some reports and doing some deeper analysis, those numbers held true. We were on to something here — something big.
From Pre-Billing to Billing
While increased revenues and efficiencies are certainly appealing, ease of use and scalability are necessary to bring real change to an entire industry. And that’s just what we did together with RescueNet Billing Pro. With Billing Pro, Payor Logic and ZOLL were able to truly lock arms, seamlessly weaving interfaces and data so that there would be no more importing and exporting batch files. No more weeks of billing lag. We went from wait times to real-time. From pre-billing to… well… to billing.
But Don’t Take Our Word for It – Customer Success Stories
“Prior to RescueNet Billing Pro, my staff used a massive excel spreadsheet that housed all the insurances websites, usernames and passwords in order to find and verify a patient’s insurance. [Now], with a click of a button, Billing Pro verifies the insurance information entered.”
– Brandi Hart, Bi-County Ambulance
“The most common response that I hear is that ‘it makes my job easier.’ They aren’t working as hard to find the dollars, and the ePCR information is sliced and diced in such a way as to lay out the facts for the employee to assimilate it more quickly.”
— Chris Watanabe, Regional Emergency Medical Services Authority (REMSA)
“Finding fast, efficient ways to verify demographics and discover insurance coverage is imperative to optimizing payments.”
– Wendy Becofsky, Mohawk Ambulance
A Promising Future for EMS Billing Departments
If you’ve not seen Billing Pro firsthand, you’re in for a treat. While we can’t make promises regarding happiness levels in your office, we can tell you that there are a lot of smiling faces in EMS billing offices these days. Maybe it’s because the interface is easier. Maybe productivity is off-the-charts. Maybe it’s a combination of things. What we know with certainty is that Payor Logic and ZOLL is a fit that works, and will continue to work well into the future. And that future looks promising.
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