Hospitals: Here’s How To Build Partnership With EMS and Improve Performance
Supporting Better Operational and Financial Performance With EMS-Hospital Collaboration
Workflow integrations with EMS partners can help hospitals and healthcare systems drive down inefficiencies to manage costs and improve patient outcomes
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A significant portion of healthcare spend can be traced to inefficient patient throughput, delayed access to treatment, and excess length of stays. Collaboration and data interoperability between hospitals, healthcare systems, and emergency medical services (EMS) is critical for managing these costs, as well as for successful patient outcomes.
Yet when it comes to the integration of EMS data into electronic medical records (EMR) systems, a gap persists — negatively impacting the coordination of care. This collaboration and interoperability remain an overlooked aspect of the healthcare IT strategy.
Making the Case for Data Interoperability and Workflow Integration
Workflow integrations with EMS partners can help hospitals and healthcare systems meet several objectives that can drive down inefficiencies. Some examples include:
While in EMS transport, pre-registering patients and activating the necessary resources to quickly route the patients upon their arrival.
Freeing up inpatient beds and decreasing demands on staff by accelerating patient transfer to the most appropriate setting.
- Reducing discharge barriers and preventing excessive inpatient days by leveraging hospital patient logistic software integration with EMS scheduling software.
- Partnering with EMS-delivered programs, such as “Hospital at Home” or mobile integrated health and community paramedicine (MIH/CP) programs, to improve adherence to medication, shorten inpatient stays, reduce readmissions and costs, and more.
Identifying a Technology Partner To Drive Change
It is important to ensure that the technology used for EMS-EMR data interoperability is implemented smoothly to avoid disrupting workflows, to streamline manual tasks, and to help improve staff efficiency. Investing in technology through a partner that has expertise in the field and a strong track record can quickly lead to improvements in key performance indicators (KPIs). Notably, operational and financial performance can improve while elevating continuity of care for patients.
To learn more about data interoperability and workflow integration between EMS, hospitals, and healthcare systems, read the full article: Workflow Integration With EMS Can Improve Patient Throughput, Reduce Barriers to Discharge, and Prevent Readmissions.
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