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  • Top 7 Things to Do at SUMMIT 2018

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    Can you believe SUMMIT is less than one week away? Neither can we! We can’t wait to see all of our ZOLL family again

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    Casino Night

    Can you believe SUMMIT is less than one week away? Neither can we! We can’t wait to see all of our ZOLL family again. We have an action-packed three days we planned for you; here’s a quick guide of the top things to do while you’re here:


    1. New Product Launch

    Join us for an interactive unveiling of ZOLL’s newest advancement in Dispatch. Our new technology is going to transform the way your agency responds. Excited? You should be.

    New Product Launch | Learn How We're Transforming the Way Your Agency Responds

    Start Time: 2 PM | End Time: 2:45 PM


    2. Customer Community Portal Grand Opening

    ZOLL is pleased to announce the GRAND OPENING of our new Customer Community Portal! Join us at this open house and launch event. Take a tour of the new community with one of our experts as we look through what is available to you as a member of our community. We’ll cover exciting new and highly anticipated features such as live access to your existing support cases. We’ll dive into our newly integrated and fully featured knowledge system. See how you can ask questions and receive expert answers from power user customers and ZOLL staff. We’re excited to share all of this and more with you.

    ZOLL Community Customer Portal Grand Opening

    Start Time: 2 PM | End Time: 2:45 PM


    3. Free Headshots

    It’s time for a LinkedIn profile upgrade… on us. We’re offering free headshots daily from 12-2 PM. Photos will be emailed to you instantly.


    4. Want to be a Guest Blogger?

    Schedule time with Lindsay Alexander Wednesday or Thursday to learn how you can share your industry knowledge on the ZOLL Pulse Blog (and put your new headshot to good use).


    5. CPR Challenge in the Product Showcase with 555 Fitness

    So you think you’re good at CPR? Prove it. One minute on the Assault bike, one minute CPR unaided, one minute aided. Share your score.


    6. Autographs

    We have some stellar keynote speakers this year. You can get autographs from:

    • Randolph Mantooth (Wednesday and Thursday during exhibit hours)
    • Kevin Lacz (Thursday after his keynote from 5 – 6 PM)


    7. Evening Events

    Welcome Reception

    Join us as we welcome you all to SUMMIT.

    Start Time: 5 PM | End Time: 6:30 PM | Location: Plaza Exhibit Hall


    Casino Night

    What would SUMMIT be without Casino Night? Saddle up to a table and get to know your fellow gamblers. This kind of gambling is the best kind... no risk. Play with faux money, and high rollers will win prizes.

    Start Time: 8 PM | End Time: 11 PM | Location: Plaza Ballroom A


    An Evening at Lucky Strike

    To close out SUMMIT 2018 we have rented out Lucky Strike. Your evening will include music, food, drinks, laughing, fun, prizes, pool, shuffleboard and BOWLING. Bring your best bowling moves, we'll provide the socks!

    Start Time: 8 PM | End Time: 11 PM | Location: Lucky Strike


     That’s it folks! We’ll see you in Denver. Don’t forget to download the event app for the latest and greatest SUMMIT news and networking.

    ZOLL Pulse Blog

    Subscribe to our blog and receive quality content that makes your job as an EMS & fire, hospital, or AR professional easier.

    ZOLL Pulse Blog

    Subscribe to our blog and receive quality content that makes your job as an EMS, fire, hospital, or AR professional easier.
