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  • TransCare Improves Patient Care and Access to Wellness Services While Reducing Unnecessary 911 Calls — ZOLL Pulse Award Winner

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    TransCare Medical Transportation Services (TransCare), a division of the Crisis Center of Tampa Bay, has a mission “to ensure that no one in our community has to face crisis alone

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    TransCare Medical Transportation Services (TransCare), a division of the Crisis Center of Tampa Bay, has a mission “to ensure that no one in our community has to face crisis alone.”

    TransCare leadership made data analysis a priority and used it to improve both operational efficiency and patient care. The agency leveraged data from their RescueNet solution suite to inform decisions focused on improving clinical care and connecting individuals to wellness services.TransCare identified three main goals for leveraging the wealth of data captured by their CAD and ePCR software:

    transcare logo
    • Better match patients with needed resources in the extended care network 
    • Reach more people in need of care 
    • Identify opportunities for operational improvements

    Agency Uses Game-changing Insights From CAD and ePCR Data To Shape Service Strategy, Garnering a ZOLL Pulse Award

    The TransCare team needed additional data to make strategic decisions on how to improve clinical care, enhance their work to connect individuals with needed follow-up services, and operate more efficiently. The agency leveraged data from their integrated RescueNet® Dispatch, ZOLL Respond, and RescueNet ePCR software solution to inform decisions focused on improving clinical care and connecting individuals to wellness services.

    Insights gained from their efforts to date have resulted in many positive changes, including:

      • Analyzed dispatch and ePCR data to reduce non-emergent 911 calls and connect patients to extended care services
      • Improved coordination of resources with hospital, social services, and crisis care
        community partners
      • Decreased the volume and duration of in-service delays

    TransCare received a 2022 ZOLL Pulse Award on May 10, 2022, at ZOLL Summit. Presented annually, the awards recognize agencies that are committed to improving operational efficiencies, and as a result, driving better clinical and financial outcomes.
    Pulse Awards LogoTo learn more about the many innovative ways TransCare Medical Transportation Services is harnessing data from their integrated ZOLL Data Systems software to drive improvements in patient care and organizational performance, read the case study.

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