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  • Virtua Improves Response Time, Reduces Spend, and Grows Their Health System — ZOLL Pulse Award Winner

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    With two separate, siloed counties to manage, Virtua Health Patient Logistics (Virtua) found an opportunity to better control its data and resources in-house

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    With two separate, siloed counties to manage, Virtua Health Patient Logistics (Virtua) found an opportunity to better control its data and resources in-house. A digital-first, transparent, and multi-faceted deployment system was a major goal of this new integration to account for the large size of the health system (91,000 responses a year from a 1,000 square-mile area). Pen-and-paper limitations meant that the organization had little tracking, sharing, and feedback systems in place for any analytics they could obtain.

    Virtua Logo

    More Dynamic Dispatching Saves Time and Leads to Better Optimization

    Already using RescueNet Dispatch Pro, in 2021, Virtua integrated ZOLL Respond to their software solution suite. The time savings, reduced radio traffic, and real-time GPS data all helped improve the quality of work for both field crews and operational staff. Virtua has also recently gained the benefits of ZOLL Care Exchange, leading to more efficiency from the HL7 bi-directional data exchange platform, which enables quick access to hospital EMR and patient outcome info after patient transfer.

    Virtua’s Fully Integrated Patient Logistics System Leads to a ZOLL Pulse Award

    Transitioning from a standalone 911 system to a now fully integrated system, Virtua’s transfer and dispatch centers are now aligned on common goals and using real-time, accurate, and transparent data. Virtua has significantly reduced pick-up times, improved patient flow, increased crew safety through better monitoring, and more. Highlights of results include:

    • Reduced expenses by $4 million
    • “Level Zero” transfer request to arrival time is within 30 minutes
    • Launched “Hospital at Home,” an innovative program that provides in-patient care levels to patients as they heal from the comfort of their own house

    Virtua received a 2023 ZOLL Pulse Award on June 14, 2023, at ZOLL Summit. Presented annually, the awards recognize agencies that are committed to using data to drive clinical and operational efficiency and to improve financial outcomes.

    2023 Pulse Award Winner

    To learn more about how Virtua used ZOLL Data Systems’ products to improve clinical and operational key performance indicators (KPIs), read the case study.

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    ZOLL Pulse Blog

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