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  • Your Agency Isn’t Getting Paid: Here’s What You Can Do

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    You might be surprised at how many billing challenges are common for every agency

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    You might be surprised at how many billing challenges are common for every agency. Issues that cause payment delays or denials are the same or similiar across the EMS industry. If your billing workflow is not optimized, you may be overlooking certain critical areas or data points that will cause you to not get billed on time, not get billed at the maximum allowable rate, and be affected by low revenue overall. 

    Maggie Adams, president of EMS Financial Services, recently discussed her top five reasons that agencies aren’t getting paid in our lively, complimentary webinar. Based on her over 30 years of experience in ambulatory billing and compliance, Maggie relayed important tips, missteps or roadblocks, and proven ways that billers can enhance their billing, improve best practices, and get paid quicker. 

    Readers who missed the live webinar can watch the on-demand webinar recording to learn: 

    • The impact of dispatch on billing for emergency and non-emergency transport 
    • Essential payer verification steps and how to get to the right payer 
    • The most common billing errors that hold up payments 
    • Payer differentiations and the claims submissions process 
    • Accounts payable management essentials for third-party payers, facilities, and self-pay accounts 


    To learn more, watch the webinar, “5 Reasons Your Agency Isn’t Getting Paid and What You Can Do About It.” 

    Read More About Billing Tips for Success:

    Collect More Revenue Faster: The Pivotal Role of Clear, Concise, and Complete Documentation 

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