Podcast: 4 Ways ePCR Software Can Relieve EMS’ Biggest Headaches
ZOLL Online Helps Smaller Fire & EMS Organizations Improve Efficiency
The needs of smaller fire departments and EMS agencies are often overlooked by technology companies
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Are your crews late to emergency calls due to wrong turns and missed directions?
Do you waste countless hours each week accommodating crew schedule changes?
Is valuable, life-saving patient information lost between first responders and emergency crews?
Are "make-shift" software programs wasting your valuable time and resources?
Do audits or law suits send shivers up your spine due to lack of records?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you are reading the right article. You no longer have to put up with manual or make-shift processes that leave plenty of room for human error while wasting valuable resources. That is all about to change.
ZOLL Online Offers a Better Way!
ZOLL Online is an ever-expanding hosted suite of fire, EMS and medical data management products. Developed from the ground up with a common interface and shared resources, all products within the suite work together by leveraging a central database. For the first time, smaller organizations get the benefits of an integrated suite of products with a price they can afford. Here are just some of the benefits:
ZOLL Online is Easy-To-Use
Entering viewing and managing your data is intuitive, fast and efficient, allowing your team to spend more time caring for patients and improving your organization. With ZOLL Online, you only sign in once to access your entire suite of products.
All The Time, Anywhere Access
ZOLL Online is browser-based and available to your organization everywhere, seamlessly and in near real-time. Whether you are out in the field, in the office or even at home – your data is there when you need it.
Access By Common Devices
ZOLL Online does not require expensive computers or hardware. It can be accessed by common devices including desktops, laptops, iPads, tablets, smartphones, and even the new Phablets.
Improved Patient Care
The ZOLL Online suite of products is designed to help you optimize patient care. From a user-friendly design to all-the-time, everywhere access, and from availability of data through common devices to integrating industry-leading data standards, time and attention is freed-up to provide the highest level of patient care.
Deeper Business Insight
All products within the suite were created to work together leveraging a common database. Advanced integration and a growing product line means you have greater visibility and insight into organizational performance than ever before.
Improved Efficiencies
ZOLL Online maximizes your resources by improving efficiencies due to a common interface among products and by eliminating double entry, common when products are not integrated from the ground up.
Thought-Leading Development
We are working closely with premier organizations like NEMSIS, NFIRS & HL7 to ensure your data meets the latest and highest standards for improved performance and interoperability across organizations – allowing you to share select data with key partners using the latest standards for improved patient care.
Cost Savings
What does ZOLL Online mean for your organization? Because it’s hosted by ZOLL, you eliminate many costs associated with robust software programs including hardware expenses like racks and servers, software expenses like licensing, hosting and facility expenses, plus ZOLL Online requires minimal administration.
ZOLL Online Product Suite
The current suite of ZOLL Online products include: @Work, 12-Lead, Insight Analytics, Fire Incidents, and Road Safety. ZOLL is releasing new features and new functionality monthly, so stay tuned for more product updates.
ZOLL Online Idea Exchange
Want to participate in future product development and testing efforts? Visit the ZOLL Online idea exchange where you can recommend new products and vote for your favorite features in upcoming releases.
ZOLL is committed to developing innovative products for the emergency services industry, no matter you’re your size. Register FREE on ZOLL Online, or view additional benefits of ZOLL Online for your organization.
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