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  • Leveraging Data Integration to Build Stronger Hospital Partner Relationships

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    Jay Cooper, director of ancillary services for Mobile Medical Response (MMR), has been instrumental in assuring that the overall technology for the agency’s dispatch, data collection/reporting and billing integration is fully functional and is a ZOLL Pulse Award winner

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    Jay Cooper_featured

    Jay Cooper, director of ancillary services for Mobile Medical Response (MMR), has been instrumental in assuring that the overall technology for the agency’s dispatch, data collection/reporting and billing integration is fully functional and is a ZOLL Pulse Award winner. Here’s why:


    Using Technology to Improve Patient, Operational & Financial Outcomes

    Since MMR became a ZOLL customer in 2005, Jay has been the point person in implementing technology to enhance patient care, collect meaningful data for quality initiatives and reporting, enhance revenue from services, and providing the organization and employees with state-of-the-art technology and tools for extraordinary patient care.


    Sharing Important Patient Data with Hospital Partners

    Jay is a forward thinker, always planning and preparing MMR for changes in technology and NEMESIS reporting requirements. He works with ZOLL on project management and testing. For example, with a partnering hospital, MMR is able to successfully import their patient care data directly into the hospital's Epic EMR. The hospital partner has benefited from the Epic import with reduced workload and readily available information on their patients.

    With this success and Jay’s continued leadership, the agency’s goal is to achieve data integration with all hospital partners in their 15 county service area.


    In His Own Words: Why Data Should be Turned into Usable Information to Drive Change

    “I have always looked at data as useless, unless it can be turned into usable information that either drives change or confirms current practice. We have a long way to go in EMS data collection and transforming it into usable information. We all want to prove what we are doing in the clinical world, and the system administration world is improving the lives of our communities as a whole. Tying outcome information back to our information is the next leg of the loop that will take us to the change and confirmation level. Only then will we be able to really achieve our mission: To provide our communities with unrivaled access to medical care. Working with ZOLL as our strategic partner to close this loop is a key part of our plan to achieve this mission.”

    ZOLL Pulse Blog

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