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    Many of the world’s most successful people have a commitment to constantly learning

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    Many of the world’s most successful people have a commitment to constantly learning. Spending at least a few hours each week learning from industry thought leaders through webinars and other content resources (such as the ZOLL Pulse Blog) could transform you into a game changer in the year to come.

    In order to help you stay on top of industry trends, improve operations and save money, we offer relevant continuing education webinars throughout the year. The complimentary webinars are hosted by your peers in EMS and fire. We know your schedules can be busy and unpredictable, so every webinar is available on demand. Here’s a roundup of webinars you may have missed in 2017:

    Phrases of Rejection: Words That Lead to Denied Claims

    Paint Complete Patient Story to Elminate Denied ClaimsSteve Johnson of Page, Wolfberg & Wirth (PWW) reviews the top 10 “phrases of rejection” seen in thousands of PCRs that can almost guarantee denial of your ambulance claim. He provides practical strategies for improving the specificity of documentation so that a more accurate and descriptive picture of the patient is painted on the PCR.

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    SERIES: How to Operate at Peak Efficiency

    Whether you’ve been faced with the task of improving a department’s overall efficiency, or if you just want to see where you can improve, this four-part mini (30 minutes each) webinar series will help. Hear from ZOLL power users on ways to streamline departmental efficiency while improving quality.

    Improve Clinical Excellence with the Power of RescueNet ePCR

    Some KPIs of Clinical Performance are difficult to manage without direct oversight of the practitioner. Learn how JCMC EMS uses features available in RescueNet ePCR to:

    • Improve selection of RSI patients and airway success rates through RSI assessments
    • Selection of hospital destination (closest versus most appropriate)
    • Deliver the appropriate level of care to a patient
    • Improve timely activation of hospital alerts for critical patients
    • Route completed calls to the appropriate reviewers to ensure compliance with protocols with ePCR workflow

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    Improve Billing Efficiency with RescueNet Billing

    Tuning up your billing department can be time consuming and painful we can all agree. Larry Cole of Kanawha County Emergency Ambulance Authority (KCEAA) shares how they boosted their billing KPIs with RescueNet Billing. Discussions include the following:

    • Reduce your billing lag by half
    • Cut your denials up to 20 percent
    • Decrease keystrokes to speed up your revenue cycle
    • Improve DSO
    • Increasing total billing department efficiency

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    Improve Dispatch Efficiency in Your Comm Center

    Ensuring your EMS Dispatch center enables your field operations to provide your community the care it expects is a dynamic challenge. For AAA Ambulance, maintaining overall system health and speed is the main concern. This webinar reviews how AAA Ambulance’s communications center leverages ZOLL’s Dispatch suite to ensure peak operational efficiency. Discussion points include:

    • Setting up your dispatch environment to ensure efficiency
    • Important role of shift supervisor
    • Maintain on time performance with a fluid response system
    • Using historical data for dynamic posting to improve response times in high risk areas
    • Using integrated technologies to compliment your dispatch solution

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    Improve Fleet Safety & Savings with Road Safety

    KPIs for fleet efficiency are there at your fingertips, knowing how to manage and interpret these pieces of data are key to a successful return on your safety program. Learn how Butler Medical transport uses the data from Road Safety to make their patient, crew members and other drivers safer, as well as improve overall vehicle health. Some of these KPIs include:

    • Overall driver score
    • Varying time periods
    • Spotter violations
    • Engine idle
    • Seat belt violations
    • Extreme violations of all types 

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    A New Age of HIPAA Enforcement: Avoiding Big Penalties in 2017 & Beyond

    A New Age of HIPAA EnforcementIt's time to dust off the crystal ball to predict where HIPAA enforcement is going in 2017 and beyond. Big money settlements were the touchstone of 2016 and it was a record year for HIPAA penalties. This foretelling webinar highlights what the government is focusing on today and uncovers the latest risks, like ransomware and internal cyberattacks. We’ll discuss ways to combat threats in a mobile environment and how doing a risk analysis can help protect against HIPAA penalties.

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    SERIES: On the Road to Safety: 3 EMS Agencies Share Their Journeys

    Whether you’ve had too many accidents or violations or you want to be more proactive when it comes to Ambulance Safety, the following three-part mini (30 minutes each) webinar series will help you improve your culture of safety.

    The Ugly Truth About EMS Driving Habits

    Even though Florida Hospital’s air services follow a strict resources safety checklist protocol before and after each flight, data from Road Safety revealed their ground crews’ vehicle operator performance was so poor it made leadership at the hospital sick to their stomachs. They decided that if they wanted to operate more like their air operations they would need:

    • Safety management system
    • Committee to help with employee/crew buy in
    • Real-time data reporting
    • Change in overall culture

    This webinar addresses why these goals led Florida Hospital to choose Road Safety, and the results they’ve seen since implementation.

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    Proactive vs Reactive: Using Teachable Moments to Change Driver Behavior

    Sometimes there is an “A-ha! Moment” that leads to EMS organizations making the decision to invest in their organization’s culture of safety. For Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital – Mobile Health Service (RWJ), they used past experience to make a conscious effort not to wait for one of those moments to act. They wanted to invest in safety now; so they actively pursued a pro-active feedback system. Why? A reactive system would miss the opportunity for teachable moments such as correcting velocity, g force, etc.

    In this webinar, learn how the following four pillars as the base of their strategy to achieve a culture of safety led to RWJ’s decision to implement Road Safety:

    • Provider safety
    • Patient satisfaction
    • Fiscal responsibility
    • Equal treatment

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    How Unsafe Driving Habits Affect Perception & How to Change It

    The first step in creating your culture of safety is identifying your organization has a problem. Thorne Ambulance used Road Safety to not only change their community’s perception of them, but to boost their crew’s belief they were committed to a culture of safety. In this webinar, Ryan Thorne walks through five critical steps he took in order to create and nurture a culture of safety within his organization.

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    How to Get Paid for Your Community Paramedicine Program

    How to Get Paid for Your Community Paramedicine ProgramHere is the topic every EMS service needs to consider: How will you get paid for community paramedicine? Community paramedicine models are evolving nationwide; and it’s important to address potential obstacles providers face and look at payment models that continue to evolve such as:

    • Where do regulated payers like Medicare and Medicaid stand on community paramedicine payment?
    • How can you best deal with commercial payers?

    In this webinar, Maggie Adams with EMS Financial Services discusses how our relationships with payers and facilities will need to be managed and how to get the information you need to stay in step with moving trends.

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    Learn How Bi-County Ambulance Boosted its EMS Payments with RescueNet Billing Pro

    In this webinar on RescueNet Billing Pro, hear from Bi-County Ambulance about how the software has helped them improve billing efficiency and boost collection rates on self-pay patients, resulting in getting paid more per claim. RescueNet Billing Pro helped Bi-County increase efficiency by:

    • Finding insurance up to 10 times faster
    • Decreasing billing lag by up to 50 percent
    • Decreasing the number of claims that we send to collections by 28 percent
    • Showing when deductibles have been met so the agency bills at the right moment

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    ZOLL Pulse Blog

    Subscribe to our blog and receive quality content that makes your job as an EMS & fire, hospital, or AR professional easier.

    ZOLL Pulse Blog

    Subscribe to our blog and receive quality content that makes your job as an EMS, fire, hospital, or AR professional easier.
